Criticize Ongoing Harassment of Chilean Human Rights Defenders, 1985 nov. 15 (2 páginas, 3 copias).
Telegrama a International Friends of the Chilean Human Rights Commissión, de Senador Edward Kennedy, 1985 nov. 12 (2 páginas, 4 copias).
Statement by Elliott Abrams, 1985 nov. 12 (1 página, 4 copias).
Statement by senator Dave Durenberger, 1985 nov. 12 (1 página, 4 copias).
Tríptico International Friends of the Chilean Human Rights Commissión (3 copias).
Mrs. Allende granted visa after groundbraking litigation by National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 1985 nov. 22 (4 páginas).
Explanation onf vote on Chile, 1984 dic. 7 (10 páginas).