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Poder Judicial
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Legal Resources

Inaplicability appeal No. 692-93 filed by Colonia Dignidad against the state of Chile to declare the public law annulment of Supreme Decree No. 143 of Ministerio de Justicia [Ministry of Justice], by which the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad is declared cancelled.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Legal documents regarding the transfer of personal property on the premises of Abratec S.A, to the Corporación Metodista [Methodist Corporation], after the cancellation of the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad. Appeal of Dorothea Baar and others against Colonia Dignidad for personal property witholding. Finally, it contains a an protection appeal No. 52,176 from Albert Schreiber against the Gobernación Provincial de Linares [Provincial Government of Linares] for the saying and statements made in the media regarding the extraction of personal property on Villa Baviera premises made by force.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad


Different legal resources that are not directly related to Colonia Dignidad. The first of them corresponds to an appeal of procesal anullment issued by Fernando Laureani Maturana and Miguel Krassnoff Marchenko. Appeal 31997-2003 regarding the incarceration of Luis Omar Mahuida Esquivel and Luis Genaro González Mella. Case No. 2,182-98 against Rubén Osvaldo Barría Igor for abduction of minors, kidnapping and kidnapping with homicide. Case against Juan Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda as the author of the reiterated felony of qualified kidnapping. Appeal related to Sociedad Metales Envimi Internacional Ltda. for protection appeal issued by Alejandro Navarro Brain against Resolution No. 059 of 1999. Finally, protection appeal No. 16-99 issued by Roberto Celedón Fernández in favor of Patricia Ballesteros, foreigner, for expulsion from Chile.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Decreto ley N°6

Decreto ley que declara que quedan en calidad de interinos los personales de los Servicios, Reparticiones, Organismos, Empresas y demás instituciones de la Administración del Estado, tanto central como descentralizadamente, a excepción de los personales del Poder Judicial y de la Contraloría General de la República; y que las nuevas designaciones significarán el término de los respectivos interinatos

Archivo Nacional de Chile (Chile)