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Reports and official documents on the cancellation of the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad and closure of Villa Baviera Hospital and the Escuela Alemana Privada Villa Baviera [Villa Baviera Private German School]

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Public Documents and Reports

Official communications and reports on audits and administrative persecutory measures against Colonia Dignidad carried out by Servicio de Impuestos Internos [Internal Revenue Service] and related to the cancellation of Colonia Dignidad's legal status and the subsequent closure of Villa Baviera Hospital and the Escuela Privada Alemana Villa Baviera [Villa Baviera German Private School] . Official communications from Ministerio de Obras Públicas [Ministry of Public Works] regarding the use of the highway Route 148, between Agua de la Gloria and Bulnes.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Protection Appeals No. 50-71, 57-91 and 65-91 filed to challenge Supreme Decree No. 143 of January 31, 1991 of the Ministerio de Justicia [Ministry of Justice] by which the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad is canceled, which would directly affect the operation of the School and Hospital

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad

Legal Resources

Legal documents regarding the transfer of personal property on the premises of Abratec S.A, to the Corporación Metodista [Methodist Corporation], after the cancellation of the legal personality of Colonia Dignidad. Appeal of Dorothea Baar and others against Colonia Dignidad for personal property witholding. Finally, it contains a an protection appeal No. 52,176 from Albert Schreiber against the Gobernación Provincial de Linares [Provincial Government of Linares] for the saying and statements made in the media regarding the extraction of personal property on Villa Baviera premises made by force.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad