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4 Archival description results for Homicide

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Different legal resources that are not directly related to Colonia Dignidad. The first of them corresponds to an appeal of procesal anullment issued by Fernando Laureani Maturana and Miguel Krassnoff Marchenko. Appeal 31997-2003 regarding the incarceration of Luis Omar Mahuida Esquivel and Luis Genaro González Mella. Case No. 2,182-98 against Rubén Osvaldo Barría Igor for abduction of minors, kidnapping and kidnapping with homicide. Case against Juan Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda as the author of the reiterated felony of qualified kidnapping. Appeal related to Sociedad Metales Envimi Internacional Ltda. for protection appeal issued by Alejandro Navarro Brain against Resolution No. 059 of 1999. Finally, protection appeal No. 16-99 issued by Roberto Celedón Fernández in favor of Patricia Ballesteros, foreigner, for expulsion from Chile.

Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Colonia Dignidad